3. Handling of presets

The xrdt preset CLI allows to manage presets for XRD measurements. Once a preset is created, it can be assigned to a measurement.


In order to assign a device to the preset, make sure to register a device before creating a preset.

It offers a comparable functionality as the xrdt device CLI and allows to list, add, and remove preset(s). The JSON preset file can be opened with an external editor as well. A full documentation of all commands and their options is provided in the section Command line interface.

Usage: xrdt preset [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI to manage measurement presets.

  --presets PATH  Path to the preset file (JSON).  [default:
                  ~/.local/xrdt/presets.json; required]
  --help          Show this message and exit.

  add     Create and register a new preset.
  edit    Open the preset file with an editor.
  list    List all registered presets.
  remove  Remove a registered preset.